The meteorological observations (air temperature, humidity and precipitation) were started in 1976, and until 2007, were done manually. In 2007, an automatic weather station Davis Vantage Pro2 was installed.
The soil temperature measurements were started in 2008. They are carried out at depths of 10 cm (humus with surface roots) and 50 cm (sand with cobbles). This is done by using EL-USB-2 loggers (Lascar electronics).
The measurements of soil water potential were started in 2009. For this purpose, we have prepared the following equipment: Onset Hobo U12-006 external four-channel voltage logger and Watermark soil moisture sensors.
The diurnal radial growth of 18 trees is measured using automatic point dendrometers (Sensata position sensors and Campbell Scientific data loggers).
The soil water depth between Lake Ešerinis and Lake Žiegžmaris is measured manually in soil holes during the warm year period.