The Laboratory of Dendrochronology

Rutile Pukiene Rūtilė Pukienė (Pikšrytė) was born 7th August 1962 in Vilnius.


The Faculty of Forestry at the Lithuanian Agricultural Academy in 1985. Rūtilė Pukienė has been working at the Laboratory of Dendrochronology since 1985 and was Head of the Laboratory from 2000 to 2003. The doctoral dissertation (biology, botany) "Pinewood growth dynamics in Užpelkių Tyrelis oligotrophic bog during the Subatlantic period" was maintained in 1997 at the Institute of Botany. Scientific field: B000 Biomedical Sciences; 03B Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Palaeobotany (B145, B 270). Rūtilė Pukienė is a member of the Lithuanian Botanical Society.

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